Forbes features Jar's innovative approach to investing in gold

EMVC portfolio company Jar was featured on the Forbes India leadership section highlighting its ‘power of digitalization’ that has enabled 20mm+ users across India to invest digitally in gold.

Noting Jar’s consistent high growth within its user cohort, CEO Nischay Ag said, “We have scaled our transaction volumes to almost a million transactions a day now, each passing month has seen Jar surpass the previous month’s performance. Some 20 million people have signed up on the app, and upwards of 5 million people are active monthly.”

CPO Misbah Ashraf further added, “From here on, there are two broad areas of focus. One, how to make Jar relevant pan-India across age groups and income levels. How do you make sure they are on the journey of financial fitness, they don’t drop off in between, they keep going as they grow on the platform.”

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Ashwini Joshi